This is the fourth issue of Knjiženstvo, Journal for Studies in Literature, Gender and Culture which has been initiated within the research project Knjiženstvo – Theory and History of Women's Writing in Serbian until 1915 and financed by The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia since 2011.
The first paper of this issue is devoted to female robinsonades – an interesting genre variation of adventure novels. It is followed by a section which is focused on women’s writing and culture and comprised of several articles: a historical overview of the women poets of the old Dubrovnik; a text about the mythmaking of the female rhapsode named The Blind Woman from Grgurevci; an article about Eustahija Arsić’s first book; a paper about Milica Stojadinović and her defense of female authorship; and a text about erotic elements in the poetry of Draga Dejanović. The following text – a play written in Serbian language by a student of Slavic Studies at the University of Poznanj and performed by her colleagues – is based on Jelena Dimitrijević’s novel The New Women. The next paper is about the female accounts of the sufferings endured in the Yugoslav communist camps at Goli otok (Barren Island). The thematic focuses of the previous issues – wars, revolutions, periodical publications – have their sequel in this one. A paper about the first novel of Rebecca West, The Return of the Soldier, is followed by an article about her first pieces of criticism. Further on, the following articles are about the perceptions of the First World War in a Spanish female magazine and about the Yugoslav illustrated magazine Woman and the World (1925–1941). The last two papers of this section are devoted to The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing and to the perception of gender-sensitive language in Serbian translations.
The section “Bibliographies” of the fourth issue contains data about the publications of the magazine Women’s World from 1895 till 1898. This issue offers two interviews. The first one is with Ana Jovanović, an assistant professor at the Faculty of Philology, and a winner of two awards for the translation of the novel Frogs by Mo Yan, Chinese Nobel laureate. The second one is with Anne Birgitte Rønning, the author of the digital database about female robinsonades. In the section entitled “Reviews”, seven books are reviewed: a book about Sappho, a monograph on Plato’s mythology, a study on masculine women in the Medieval Serbia, a study on Judita Šalgo, and a research of periodical publications and their role in Serbian literature. The first attempt of creating a “women’s writing textbook” and a very practical book about communication and presentation skills are also presented in this issue. A conference on Milica Janković in Veliko Gradište, as well as a session on digital humanities, which was held during the conference organized on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the renewal of the Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, are presented in the section “Events”.
Editorial board of the Knjiženstvo journal
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