
Merima Omeragić
University of Sarajevo
Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies

UDC: 172.4:355.106

Original scientific article

Transnationality in Post-Yugoslav Anti-War Women’s Essays

The work is based on the idea of the common represented in the essays of post-Yugoslav women writers and authors, and reflected in the socially engaged transnationality, anationality, antimilitarism and feminism. The common, transnational viewpoint of essayists Dubravka Ugrešić, Rada Iveković, Jasmina Tešanović, Lepa Mlađenović and Alma Lazarevska is revealed in the observed and critiqued societal systems of nationalism, which are conditioned by patriarchal structures. In other words, the Yugoslav national armed conflicts were based on the war of the sexes, according to these authors. Their activist essays break down the cluster of stereotypes (Yugoimaginarium) that stems from a nationalised and militarised construction of sexes, as well as a primary patriarchal need for control, especially visible in the figure of the mother-nation and in the escalation of different forms of conflict-related violence against women. A special place in the anti-war women's essayist discourse belongs to those women authors who experienced war (directly), and are in a position that allows for the most precise reflection on the devastating effect of the war trauma but also of the narratives that led to threatened existence: tradition, history, and nationalism. Post-Yugoslav women essayists wrote from nearly identical activist vantage points of resistance, using an alternative discourse to build safe spaces of transnationality. Therefore, the corpus of post-Yugoslav anti-war women's essays became a centre of new discovery about our and other wars.


anti-war essay, women authors, social engagement, post-Yugoslav, feminism

Full text in Serbian only

Merima Omeragić
Univerzitet u Sarajevu
Centar za interdisciplinarne studije

UDK: 172.4:355.106

Originalni naučni članak

Transnacionalnost u post/jugoslavenskom antiratnom ženskom eseju

Rad je utemeljen na ideji zajedničkog reprezentovanoj u esejima post/jugoslavenskih spisateljica i autorki, te odraženoj u angažiranoj: transnacionalnosti, anacionalnosti, antimilitarizmu i feminizmu. Zajednička, transnacionalna tačka esejistkinja Dubravke Ugrešić, Rade Iveković, Jasmine Tešanović, Lepe Mlađenović i Alme Lazarevske razotkriva se u opserviranim i kritiziranim društvenim sistemima nacionalizma koji su uslovljeni patrijarhalnim strukturama. Odnosno, jugoslavenski nacionalni ratni sukobi su, utvrđuju esejistkinje, zasnovani na ratovima među spolovima. Angažiranim pisanjem eseja razgrađen je konglomerat stereotipa (jugoimaginarij) koji potiču od nacionalizovane i militarizovane konstrukcije spola kao i primarne patrijarhalne potrebe kontrole, posebno vidljive u dimenziji kreirane figure majke nacije, te u eskalaciji različitih oblika ratnog nasilja nad ženama. Posebno mjesto u antiratnom ženskom esejističkom diskursu zauzima pozicija spisateljice s (direktnim) iskustvom rata, na primjeru čega je, što je interpretativno istaknuto, moguće najpreciznije se osvrnuti na devastirajući uticaj ratne traume, ali i narativa koji su doveli do upitnosti egzistencije: tradicije, istorije i ideologije nacionalizma. Post/jugoslavenske esejistkinje su zauzimale skoro istovjetne angažirane pozicije otpora, tvoreći uz pomoć alternativnog diskursa sigurne prostore transnacionalnosti. Stoga, korpus post/jugoslavenskog antiratnog ženskog eseja postaje centar novih znanja o našim, i ratovima uopšte.

Кључне речи:

antiratni esej, spisateljice, angažman, post/jugoslavenstvo, feminizam

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